Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!

Oh my word. I'm home. HOME.
It is so incredibly nice to be back.
This past weekend, I co-coordinated our church's women's retreat -- it was an amazing time, and I feel like I got so much out of it, including new friendships, but it barely ended, and I had to run pellmell into the next life event. My husband's grandmother recently passed away, and Monday was her funeral, which he was officiating. So, on top of all of the women's retreat preparations, I had to arrange for travel plans for my husband, childcare for my son, and travel preparations for both my son and I immediately following the retreat. Seriously, I'm exhausted just remembering all that stuff! Did I mention I'm now six months pregnant? Ha!

Prior to all of this, everything had sort of revolved around doing my best to take care of my son, and finalizing details for the women's retreat -- the house sort of got neglected. Poor house. I got it generically tidied up, but it was still definitely hurting for some TLC.

My nesting and ADCD cleaning habits...

 ...have left me with lots to do, and no real idea as to where to start. Today, I find myself so happy to be back, I'm giving it a valiant effort. I'm working mainly on some laundry, and trying to get our bedroom clean and comfortable. I've put a mixture of baking soda and fabric softener on our mattress...which I will vacuum off soon...something I saw on Pinterest.

I don't know if I have any really detailed goals, other than getting things as clean as possible. My sweet Little Man is recovering from our whirlwind, so I'm trying to take advantage of his extra long nap time.

So, this post didn't have any specific direction, but just a little update. I'm hoping to get serious about organizing and cleaning, and make lots of posts about that in the very near future!

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