Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday, Monday...

Monday has always had a reputation for being a doozy of a day. I used to think that it really only applied to the working folk...but I have since changed my mind; us stay at home types can have a case of the Mondays as well.


Our House, 2am.
I had gone to bed gloriously early, had slept incredibly well (which is nothing short of a miracle, at 8 months pregnant), and was woken up by both of my boys at the same time. Little Man was crying quietly to himself, and My Love was starting to freak out, saying that something was stuck in his eye.
I gave instructions to My Love on how to try to rinse his eye out with water, then went to tend Little Man. Once I finally got Little Man to settle down, I headed back down to check on my big man.
After much googling, administering of eye drops, watching youtube videos so I could attempt to flip My Love's eyelid so I could see what was stuck in it, we called it a draw. It was late, there wasn't anything else we could safely do, and he didn't want to go to the ER.

Our House, 7am
I told My Love that he should probably relocate from the living room to the bedroom, as I was supposed to be watching a friend's daughter today, and they were due to arrive around when he'd be getting up to get ready for work. As soon as he woke up, it became apparent that he was still in excruciating pain, and that his eye had not gotten better in the five hours  since we tried to fix it. I called our local optometrist, and they said they could get him in. I threw on the same clothes I had worn to church, and he fumbled around to get dressed while I went to wake up our young son, and get him bundled up to run to the doctor. Thankfully, he woke up and had lots of smiles to give me, and was just wonderful, despite me waking him (you never know what you'll get when you wake a sleeping baby, haha!).

Eye Doctor, 7:45am
We arrived at the eye doctor, I filled out the forms required, and we waited. And, as kind as everyone was, we waited FOREVER. It was over an hour before they saw him, and he was SO miserable.
We did run into some friends from church -- who, oddly enough, were in my dream last night. That part was sort of hilarious. What are the odds that I would dream of them, and then run into them at an "emergency" eye appointment?!?!?
Once My Love finally got back to see the doctor, it turned out that he had an eye infection. I'm not really sure if that's better or worse than having something stuck in your eye. Perhaps mildly better...but they weren't able to do anything about the pain...they said we'd just have to wait until the antibiotics kicked in.
While he was with the doctor, I was in the lobby with Little Man. He was so well behaved, and I was so proud of him. However, my pregnant nose picked up on the smell of urine. I had changed him into a brand new type of diaper (that proclaimed to be snug and DRY) right before we left the house...they're supposed to keep dry for up to twelve hours. It had been one. I picked him up off his seat on the couch next to me...and there was a wet spot both underneath him and on his pants. Fabulous.
I had to go, tail between my legs, and confess to the office staff that he had leaked, and see if they had anything to clean the upholstery with. I wiped it down, dried it off, changed his diaper, put his wet pants in a bag (thank goodness I'd packed a blanket, as it was 20-something degrees outside), and we continued to wait for My Love.
Meanwhile, remember how I was supposed to watch my friend's daughter today? Well, Little Man was using my phone to watch cartoons luck would have battery was dying. So, I had to text her, after already calling her at an unreasonable hour of the morning to tell her we'd have to run to the doctor and might not be back by the time we'd originally agreed on...and let her know that we were still at the doctor's office, and that my phone was dying.
It was truly an absurd morning.
Absurd, and most definitely worthy of the title "Monday."

Here's hoping to a much less eventful, and much more productive, Tuesday.

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