Monday, August 26, 2013

10 Goals for the Week

I love this website. All sorts of phenomenal information, tips, tools, resources, and challenges. Starting last week, Money Saving Mom issued a challenge to set 10 Weekly Goals for yourself, in varying categories. I'm quite interested in this. 10 goals, with a limited period of time to achieve them, in different categories, are very appealing. I feel like I'm struggling in so many areas, and always seem to rush headlong into one area in particular, at the expense of the other areas. By the end of my charge, I've bull-in-a-china-shopped my way through some things, but still have left quite a mess in my wake...only to stumble backward to the starting try to stampede into another area. It's exhausting, not to mention unrewarding and unproductive.

Aside from day-to-day things that I'm trying to do, this will help give me direction, purpose, and fulfillment (should I accomplish the goals, of course!). I'm also hoping for a little motivation. There's nothing like the taste of success to keep you I right?

So, here are my 10 Goals For the Week:

Family/Marriage/Mothering Goals
1. Sit and play with Little Man with no electronics on or around (except music). Read with him more!
2. Go on an evening walk with Little Man (and My Love, if he'll join us) daily before putting him to bed.
3. Take a nap, drink a Coke, do SOMETHING to be able to stay awake and have a mini date night with My Love one night this week after Little Man goes to bed!

Personal Goals
4. Wake up early enough to get a quality quiet time in before the insanity of the day begins
5. Read for fun for at least 30 minutes a day.

Homemaking Goals
6. Go through LM's clothes, sort them into storage, cycle new clothes down, donate unneeded clothes, CLEAN his room, vacuum, steam clean carpet
7. Do at least one load of laundry a day, and PUT IT AWAY.
8. Finish catching up on laundry so laundry room regains functionality. Blog about it.

Business Goals
9. Finalize September Budget
10. Look into at least 3 different ways of bringing in additional income (i.e. art, multi-level-marketing, and blogging regularly)

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