My goals were:
Family/Marriage/Mothering Goals
2. Go on an evening walk with Little Man (and My Love, if he'll join us) daily before putting him to bed.
Personal Goals
4. Wake up early enough to get a quality quiet time in before the insanity of the day begins
5. Read for fun for at least 30 minutes a day.
Homemaking Goals
6. Go through LM's clothes, sort them into storage, cycle new clothes down, donate unneeded clothes,
8. Finish catching up on laundry so laundry room regains functionality. Blog about it.
Business Goals
9. Finalize September Budget
10. Look into at least 3 different ways of bringing in additional income (i.e. art, multi-level-marketing, and
As you can see, I have made some progress, though not as much as I had hoped.
I have also accomplished other things that I hadn't put on my list as goals. This is expected, but a part of me desperately wants to swap the things I have already done with the things I've yet to do, and get to cross them off my list. That, of course, would be cheating.
I'm sure you can also see that some portions of goals have been accomplished, but a partially completed goal does not a completed goal make. A super brilliant friend of mine read my goals post, and had a fabulous insight - my goals are too multi-faceted, and they're not S.M.A.R.T. This isn't exactly what she said, and she said it in love, but she was right on the money. I was a bit afraid of that when I wrote them and, honestly, that's very much why I struggle with making progress in general! S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
I am still going to work toward accomplishing as much of these by the end of the week as possible but, given that it's my first week and I sort of need to adjust how I set goals, I'm just hoping to do what I can, and continue making progress!
I think I'm going to edit my goals a little bit now, to try to make them a little more streamlined. I'm still going to go against some of the rules so I don't completely undo my original goals, but I'm hoping the changes I make will set me up better for the possibility of success:
Family/Marriage/Mothering Goals
2. Go on a walk with Little Man daily.
Personal Goals
4. Wake up and get a minimum 20 minute quiet time in before the insanity of the day begins
5. Read for fun for at least 2 hours this week.
Homemaking Goals
6. Go through LM's clothes, sort them into storage, cycle new clothes down, donate unneeded clothes,
8. Finish catching up on laundry so laundry room regains functionality. Blog about it.
Business Goals
9. Finalize September Budget
10. Look into at least 3 different ways of bringing in additional income (i.e. art, multi-level-marketing, and
I'll check back in this weekend (for sure by Sunday, since that's the end of the week), and we'll see how I did! I definitely plan on doing this next week too! I think I need to write down my goals, though, and have them up somewhere for me to see regularly, as a reminder. That might help me keep on track.
Impressive. I am so bad about actually crossing things off my to-do list. Well done!