Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Little Miss' Room Option #1

When I was pregnant with our son, I stumbled across Bananafish's Migi Sweet Sunshine bedding...and fell in love. I can't remember now if I knew yet that our son was a son...but I knew that, should I ever have a daughter, this was the bedding I would want for her. I mean, look at it!

It has been awhile since I've seen it in person. I pass it every time I go to my favorite local baby store. I can't remember quite how vibrant the yellow is, but I thought yellow and gray would be such a beautiful, classy, soothing combination for a nursery.

Then, I saw this:

How incredibly precious is that?!?!?! I should probably mention that I love elephants. Plus, they (IKEA) have these too:

I particularly like the elephants and the giraffes, but the others are cute as well. The problem with the above is they're not all specifically yellow and gray ;)

Anyway, the silly primary problem that I have with just deciding to go with the bedding that I've loved since before I was ever having a girl, and run with the yellow and gray, is that the room we're going to use for the nursery is already painted. It's a beautiful dusty purple color - perfect for a little girl's room; just not a little girls' room in yellow and gray, as it is neither yellow, nor gray.
Being pregnant, having a toddler, being more fatigued and ill than I can remember being, probably more than with the last pregnancy, and possibly ever (for this length of time)...painting a room that is a perfectly acceptable color is a hard sell, despite my love for this bedding.

I don't have an extensive plan for the room itself - I don't know what color I'd want to paint the furniture (assuming I need to paint furniture), I'm not certain what accents I would add -- I just know that I really do love that color combination, and that bedding.

Pro: I love the colors and the bedding.
Con: I'd have to repaint a perfectly acceptably painted room.

Now to the next idea...


  1. Love the bedding...I'm partial to purples but I think a light purple for the main room color is great. Would they not work together??

  2. So, Jen - do your own elephant design and paint it on the wall in the color of your choice! Or, it can be digitally printed and cut out, in a color match of your choice.

  3. I love the elephant print! I think you could use the bedding with the purple walls by adding accents, wall decor, elephants in purple! Let me know for sure once you decide because I would love to make Little Miss a quilt!

  4. i dont want to give you any more ideas then you already have but i saw this and thought of you.

  5. Ooooh, Kate - that is awesome! I love the idea too of the one colored wall as an accent!

  6. That yellow and grey are gorgeous but I see what you mean...not going to work with the purple. At least not keeping the same feel that the yellow/grey room has.
    However, purple and grey could be super cute and not traditional "baby" at all. Plus they are totally elephant like colors :)
    I am sure this in not at all helpful but just my two cents. Also, that flower fabric wall in the link is BEAUTIFUL!

  7. Aubrey! You articulated my thoughts perfectly, thank you! Yes, purple, gray, and yellow would be pretty and not too girly/traditional, but it wouldn't have the same feel/tone as just the gray and yellow.

    I'm hoping to get the room cleared out by the end of next week (coupled with getting rid of other stuff - I don't think emptying it would take a whole week, haha), and once I can see it empty, I think I will have a better chance of visualizing my options.

  8. I don't envy you the task. Decorating is a daunting task. Thanks for letting us all tag along ;)
