Saturday, September 7, 2013

10 Goals for the Week: Week 2 Progress

Tomorrow is the last day of the week, so I'd better get going! I've made decent progress so far, and am confident I can finish all of my goals. There are still some that I want to improve on more, so they'll reappear next week (i.e. I went on multiple walks with Liam, but definitely not daily) but, overall, I'm quite pleased!

After I post this update, I intend to work on #5, my "nesting" project list. Tomorrow, I will clean out my vehicle, and possibly even vacuum it and get it washed (which would only make sense, as it's due to rain at some point tomorrow). I'm hoping to wrangle My Love's help in accomplishing #2 and #10, as assembling the playscape will go faster if I have assistance, and it's probably best if a preggo doesn't move furniture around by herself.

Family/Marriage/Mothering Goals
1. Write out a schedule for Little Man
2. Assemble playscape in backyard

Personal Goals
3. Wake up early enough to get a quality quiet time in before the insanity of the day begins
4. Go on a daily walk (with Little Man, if possible)
5. Make a list of "nesting" projects, and put them in priority order

Homemaking Goals
6. Compile a list of meals I cook, and make a meal plan for the month.
7. Do at least one load of laundry a day, and PUT IT AWAY.
8. Clean out car

Business Goals
9. Implement/follow September Budget
10. Take pictures of and post furniture/items to get rid of on craigslist/online to sell.

I'm really looking forward to my goals for next week - My Love has a little more free time than usual, so I'm hoping we can knock out a bunch of things around the house that have been on our to do list for a while. Stay tuned!

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