I went to art.com to try to get some inspiration for Little Miss' nursery. I've been sort of stalled in my creative process regarding which direction to go. As I shared with you, I thought I had it narrowed down to three options (Option #1, Option #2, Option #3). This may not be the case anymore...or, not exactly.
Though I haven't officially decided (shocker, right?), I think I've ruled out Options #1 and #3. It's a tad ironic, since #1 was the bedding I fell in love with years ago. But, I thought that my main aversion to going with Option #1 was that I'd have to repaint the bedroom we'll be using for the nursery. So, I pretended that wasn't an issue. I tried to imagine that someone came up to me and said, "You have won a contest, and you get to pick whatever you want for your nursery!" followed by, "We will pay for all paint and materials, and will hire painters to paint the room for you." When I ran that scenario in my head, I still didn't jump at the Sweet Sunshine bedding. I mean, I still think it's gorgeous, but I realized that I am drawn to rooms with more color in them. Like these:
I like the variety, the pops of color, the fun sort of atmosphere it creates. I also like how, even though there are many different colors, there are several that are more central to the design theme. For example, the first image is primarily aqua, yellow, and pink. The second one is blue, lime green, and orange. So, by focusing on a few colors, it doesn't get too out of hand, but avoids being monotonous.
Anyway, I decided to peruse art intended for nurseries, to attempt to find some inspiration, and start leaning in a direction. I found a LOT (hahaha, ALOT) of amazing things.
I've also been poking around etsy, to see what sort of custom crib bedding combinations I can find, and see if any of that gives me an idea. Currently, it's really just giving me price tag shock, but I'm going to keep looking.
Anyway, expect a post soon about the artwork that I found that might just have done the trick to inspire me. There is one piece in particular that I might be leaning toward as the thematic starting point, but there are so many options! Hopefully you're still interested in the process!
The options just keep getting better and better!