Sunday, September 1, 2013

Saved by the Holiday Weekend?

I've been working on my 10 Goals of the Week, and was originally going to call today the end of my week. I know that, technically, it is. However, I've done something redonkulous to my back, and am occasionally hindered from functioning as I normally do. Given that, I'm giving myself until tomorrow to try to finish as much as I can of my first week's goals. I hope you don't feel cheated.

One thing I made major progress on this weekend, and have well exceeded, in fact, was my goal to read. I'm hoping to complete an entire book by the end of the night that I started yesterday. Mmmm, I love to read! I know it's a bit strange and melodramatic, but I feel like part of my soul is back in the right place, after having been able to escape into the ink and paper world of somewhere else for a little while. I can't wait to finish the book -- it feels like forever since I've done that! The book I'm reading is called Ladies' Night, by Mary Kay Andrews.

It's a fluffy read -- though, I feel like she had her thesaurus handy when she was writing this one (I've read most of her others as well), trying to beef it up a little. I had to look up three words so far; two because I didn't know them, and one because I thought she used it improperly, but she didn't. I sent her an email in college, offering to proof read her books, but she never responded. I'm sure she didn't appreciate an undergraduate making such an offer, though I meant it in kind. I enjoy her books primarily because they usually take place on or near the east coast. South Carolina wasn't always the best place to live, but it was home for awhile, and I find myself missing it often. Reading about the sunsets on the coast, the Spanish moss dripping down from the trees, sweet tea, fireflies, the ocean, and specific cities I've been to helps me feel a bit closer. Of course, this one takes place in Florida, so it's missing that little piece...but the protagonist is refurbishing an old home on the coastline, and that's right up my alley.

I'm off to read some more, and see how far I can get. I'll resume my other goals tomorrow, and have a post letting you know of my final progress. Tuesday, we'll see what week #2's goals will be! G'night!

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