Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Project: Step 2 Push Around Buggy

Have you ever seen one of these?

I love them. They're so cute, and fun, and such a cool way to get around with your little one! I've wanted one for FOREVER. Especially since Little Man started showing interest in cars. The kid flipping loves cars. His first major meltdown was because I made him come inside the house from playing in the front seat of my the a Texas summer...which means extreme heat...crazy kid. He cried for almost 20 minutes solid; threw himself at the door and everything. It was ridiculous (and sort of funny).

Anyway, I've been looking for one of these, or a Cozy Coupe, for what feels like forever. Garage sales, consignment shops, craigslist, etc. I've found a few viable options, but nothing ever panned out. FINALLY, by complete freak chance, I ended up driving around our neighborhood, and coming upon a garage sale. There was one of these in the driveway, for sale! It was slightly sun-faded, but looked to be in good shape. I had a nice conversation with the lady, and ended up getting this and a small play kitchen...wait for it...for $10!!!! Yes, I got a Step 2 Push Around Buggy, a play kitchen, AND all the foods that her son had used with the kitchen -- for $10!!!! I was ecstatic!

Once I got the car home, we realized that one of the wheels was split. Not too big of a deal, I figured. I did some research, and discovered that the model buggy we had was pretty old, and had a recall out on part of the hardware. Easy-peasy, I ordered a repair kit to remedy the recall issue, and I also ordered four replacement tires. Thank you very much, Step 2!

In the meantime, My Love discovered my garage-sale-find, and was too excited to show our son to wait for everything to arrive in the mail. It was love at first sight. Little Man clambered right up into the seat, and was ready to go. The split wheel made a loud, obnoxious, popping sound, but functioned besides that. We've taken it on several walks, and Little Man loves it!

Tonight, I wanted to take him on another walk before bed -- and decided I'd replace the wheel really quickly before we went out. Note to self: If you ever have the thought, "I'll just do [such and such] really quickly..." you should know better. It's almost as if the phrase is taboo, and you're inviting failure and trials to join you in your venture, whatever it may be. Needless to say, getting the wheel off was WAY harder than I anticipated. Both My Love and I put our respective elbow grease into it, and I finally gave up for the night. But, My Love, my hero, came through! He got the wheel off! Not in time for a walk this evening, but now the buggy is all repaired and ready to drive less noisily around on our adventures.

However, as I am insane, and can't leave well enough alone, I have a vision for this buggy. Have you seen the Cozy Coupe redos? This one is one of my favorites, though there are tons of other great ideas out there.

Aside from being up to my eyeballs in projects I need to complete, as well as just trying to get generically organized, this project will have to wait a bit longer (depending on how this year goes, I might have to wait until spring, as spray painting in cold weather just doesn't work well). However, I'm leaning toward an even more ambitious project to do with it first -- Little Man is going to be a dalmatian for Halloween (we found the cutest costume at consignment for $5!). I'm thinking, if I can get the pieces to fall together right, I'd love to slip a cardboard box overtop of the buggy, and turn it into a firetruck for him to ride in! How adorable would that be?!?!? Of course, if I get it done in time, and I like it, I'll post pictures...and, whenever I get around to repainting it, I'll post pictures of that too.

Too much fun!!!

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