Thursday, December 12, 2013

Days of December Christmas Movie Watch-a-thon Day 7: Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas

Extra, extra, read all about it: watched a Christmas movie with Little Man, we finished it, and I really enjoyed it! This is, I think, the first one we've watched that I hadn't seen before that I actually have something positive to say about!

The movie is Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas.

I don't want to talk it up too much, and create a hype that it can't live up to -- maybe it's just that the other Christmas specials I've watched until this point haven't been so special. This movie is really three mini stories:

"Donald Duck: Stuck on Christmas"
This was a Groundhog Day-esque story of Huey, Duey, and Louie getting stuck with every day as Christmas. It was a sweet story about how Christmas isn't just about presents, food, and other things, but was about love and sharing that with your family and friends.

"A Very Goofy Christmas"
I thought this was a bold direction to take a kids' Christmas special -- it told the story of a father and son, and their journey to deciding whether or not Santa existed. It, too, was sweet, and focused quite a bit on bringing other people joy.

"Mickey & Minnie's Gift of the Magi"
This was a Mickey twist on the traditional story. I felt like this was the saddest in tone of the three stories. It made the point stick a little more, I suppose, but I was really glad that they had a little recap at the end of the "movie" to lighten the mood.

Did I mention that the narrator was Kelsey Grammer? Awesome.

So far, this was definitely my favorite new-to-us Christmas special, and I expect we'll watch it again...maybe even this season!

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