Thursday, December 26, 2013

Days of December Christmas Movie Watch-a-thon Day 20: Prancer

**I lifted this from my former blog. At this time, I was rating the shows/movies I was watching by assigning them lumps of coal or sugar plums, haha!

Against the wishes of my best friend, I am about to watch Prancer.

Oh my goodness, these hairstyles are atrocious.

But I totally remember this opening scene! It's been over a decade since I've seen this, and I totally remember this!

Oh! It's that girl from Jurassic Park!

Ohhh, I loved the way they had the reindeer over the street that were symbolic of the real reindeer. Forgot about that.

Hahahahahaha!!! This guy just had one line, and it was worth watching the whole movie already just to hear him talk! The line wasn't witty, but his voice was hilarious!

OOoooooh, I forgot all about her daddy in this, and how grumpy he is!

Ah, yes, the sledding incident. If you can't stop or control your sled, you probably have no business sledding.

And heeeeeerrrrre's Prancer! I love him! (c'mon, Linz, he can't help it if one of his magical Christmas powers is knowing what little children are eating at the holidays..."Christmas cookies" - hahahahaha!) Ugh, I do not like it when he cries, though :(

:*( I forgot about the backstory with her momma who is dead. So sad.

OH NO! Hunters! Pretty sure that's the same gun used to kill Bambi's mother. Sounds the same, at any rate.

Awww, sweet Prancer. Poor him...his leg got hurt :/

Oh, heavens...I never noticed how close her face got to his antlers when she tries to put on a harness. That freaked me out a bit. One wrong move, Prancer gets spooked, and things don't end well for Jessica. Probably would ruin Prancer's Christmas reputation.

HAHAHAHA! I just heard the line "It's a Christmas cookie!"
Which, in and of itself isn't funny, but yeah...
Okay, so here's the backstory: my friend sent me a message on facebook pleading that I not watch Prancer. I asked her why not, not knowing at all what to expect. She messaged me back telling me that, when she was little, she was eating Christmas cookies while someone turned the channel, and Prancer came on. She asked, regarding the show on TV, "What is this?" and it just so happened that they had come in the middle of this scene. So, right after she asked what the show was, Jessica said, "It's a Christmas cookie!" Which made her freak out that the TV knew what she had in her hand. So, my poor friend is convinced that Prancer is a conduit for evil, since they spied on her when she was a child :) Isn't that funny?

Okay, so I think this reindeer is adorable. I love watching him run, especially on ice, and he just seems to have a lot of personality. However, he makes this groaning sound that I am not sure real reindeer make. I mean, do they? I've never met a reindeer that I'm aware of.
(rabbit trail: the sound reminds me of an old TaleSpin episode. I actually found the episode online! It's called "Mommy for a Day," and Prancer sounds just like the little pink creature when he gets bigger.)

This little girl is so melodramatic and sad looking. She has that basset hound expression throughout most of the movie. Poor kid. She's not obnoxious, but just...well...sad.

Haha! I do like the scene between Jessica and the fake Santa. The Polaroid picture of Prancer is too cute!

Attention children: It is ill-advised to volunteer your services to the scary old woman down the street...or really anyone...without letting your parents know what you're doing. Since I've seen it before, I know it ends alright, but really?

The cleaning of any room in a house, from top to bottom, for $5?!?!? What a deal!
...or child slave labor...take your pick.

Aw, the poor creepy lady has some unexplained baggage with Christmas.
...which is resolved in .5 seconds when she realizes that she can con the little girl into putting the lights up for her substantially below minimum wage. (I know, I know, I'm such a cynic)

:sigh: I absolutely love the sound of a typewriter!

I wonder what my neighbors would say if I went to get my mail in my long-johns? Perhaps I should get a pair and give it a try?

Tee-hee, the scene where the dad is reading the paper and completely missing the fact that there's a reindeer wandering around in his yard is pretty cute. But uh-oh, now Prancer's in the house, inadvertently destroying everything in sight, and devouring the baked goods which he has such an affinity for. Jessica is in big trouble now.

Good grief, this is a mean daddy. I feel badly for him, but he is cranky, and sad, and takes it out on his kids...well, on everyone, really.

Aww, siblings bond over springing Prancer from his prison!

The town came out to support Jessica in her time of need! She believed when they didn't, and they believed for her when she gave up hope.
And now she's melting her daddy's cranky heart.

I love the part where her and her dad are up on Antler Ridge, and Prancer rejoins Santa and his team as it crosses the moon. :)

I still don't understand why they didn't make that the end of the movie. They do some sort of weird pan across a miniature town, and it ends with a bright light coming out of the little girl's room...with no explanation. I guess they were trying to distract us from the fact that there was no real ending to the movie. My theory is that they spent a lot of time making a town in miniature, and didn't want to upset someone or waste that shot, so they just threw it in at the end. I could be wrong...but that at least makes sense.

I give this movie 3 out of 5 sugar plums. It is sweet, and something I'll probably watch with my children someday, and I have fond memories of it from my childhood still. There were just soooo many facets to it. They didn't have time to dig deep with any of them, really. Everything was tied up nicely at the end, but some of the plot lines were just kind of filler, you know? Again, I'll watch this probably time and time again, but it's just not up to snuff with the other "classics."

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